WHAT: Miro Consulting , Oracle licensing management experts, will outline smarter Oracle licensing strategies and provide insight into what CIOs need to know to further optimize their enterprise software investment.
WHO: Scott Rosenberg, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, & Eliot Colon, President, Miro Consulting, Inc.
WHEN: June 25, 2008 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET (10:00 - 11:00 a.m. PT)
WHERE: To register and attend, go to https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/755300775 Call-in number: (641) 715-3222, access code 489-854-090
Live feed during the webinar will be on www.twitter.com/yinchang
DETAILS: Oracle licensing is often a highly complex issue decidedly dependent on various factors such as corporate infrastructure, IT variables and overall environment.
Scott D. Rosenberg and Eliot Arlo Colon will discuss Oracle licensing and compliance issues including: . Top Oracle "hot buttons" . Tips on negotiating Oracle licensing . What you should know about support and maintenance costs
There will also be a brief discussion on how Oracle licensing is affected in real-world settings such as virtualization and multi-core servers.
Miro Consulting, Inc. (www.miroconsulting.com) is the foremost expert on Oracle licensing and compliance. A trusted advisor to CIOs, Miro provides advisory services to companies needing assistance in managing Oracle and Microsoft software licensing agreements and audits. Clients include Fortune 1000 and mid-sized companies in North America.
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